OID repository
OID Repository
Display OID:
Action itemiso(1) Action itemstandard(0) Action itemiso8802(8802) Action itemieee802dot1(1) Action itemieee802dot1mibs(1) Action itemieee8021lldp(2) Action itemlldpObjects(1) Action itemlldpExtensions(5)  

Navigating the OID tree

child OIDs: Child OID separator lldpXdcbxNotifications(0) Child OID separator lldpXdcbxObjects(1) Child OID separator lldpXdcbxFeatures(2) Child OID separator
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


LAST-UPDATED "200811200000Z" -- November 20, 2008
ORGANIZATION "IEEE ??? Working Group"
"WG-URL: ???
WG-EMail: ???
Contact: Robert Cowart
Postal: IBM
6303 Barfield Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30328-4233
Tel: +1-404-935-6841
E-mail: rcowart@us.ibm.com
Contact: Nagaraj Govindaiah
Postal: EMULEX
2560 N First St. Ste.300
San Jose, CA 95131
Tel: +1-408-904-4150
E-mail: nagaraj.govindaiah@emulex.com"
"The LLDP Management Information Base extension module for
DCB Capability Exchage Protocol (DCBX).
In order to assure the uniqueness of the LLDP-MIB,
lldpXdcbxMIB is branched from lldpExtensions using OUI value
as the node. An OUI/'company_id' is a 24 bit globally unique
assigned number referenced by various standards."
-- OUI for IEEE DCBX is 6945 (00-1B-21)

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Tree display Parent OID: lldpExtensions(5) First child OID: lldpXdcbxNotifications(0) First sibling OID: lldpXPnoMIB(3791) Previous sibling OID: lldpXMedMIB(4795) Next sibling OID: lldpXHmMIB(32867) Last sibling OID: lldpXdot1MIB(32962)
Separation line
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