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(OID-IRI notation)


ieee8021AsCurrentDSOffsetFromMasterLs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
UNITS "2**-16 ns"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The least significant 32 bits of the offset, signed
96 bit number in 2**-16 ns, an implementation-specific
computation of the current value of the time difference
between a master and a slave as computed by the slave.
This object MUST be read at the same time as
ieee8021AsCurrentDSOffsetFromMasterHs, and
ieee8021AsCurrentDSOffsetFromMasterMs, which
represents most (highest) and middle significant 32 bits
of values, respectively, in order for the read operation
to succeed.
REFERENCE "14.3.2"


Automatically extracted from IEEE Management Information Bases (MIBs)

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Parent OID: ieee8021AsCurrentDS(2) First sibling OID: ieee8021AsCurrentDSStepsRemoved(1) Previous sibling OID: ieee8021AsCurrentDSOffsetFromMasterMs(3) Next sibling OID: ieee8021AsCurrentDSLastGmPhaseChangeHs(5) Last sibling OID: ieee8021AsCurrentDSTimeOfLastGmPhaseChangeEvent(14)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 15 Jan 2016 Bullet Page top