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xdsl2LineSegmentBitsAlloc OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Xdsl2BitsAlloc
UNITS "bits"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The bits allocation per subcarrier. An array of 256 octets
(512 nibbles), designed for supporting up to 512 (downstream)
subcarriers. When more than 512 subcarriers are supported, the
status information is reported through multiple (up to 8)
segments. The first segment is then used for the first 512
subcarriers. The second segment is used for the subcarriers
512 to 1023 and so on.
The aggregate number of utilized nibbles in the downstream
direction (in all segments) depends on NSds; in the
upstream direction, it depends on NSus.
This value is referred to here as NS. The segment number is in
Nibble i (0 <= i < MIN((NS+1)-(segment-1)*512,512)) in each
segment is set to a value in the range 0 to 15 to indicate that
the respective downstream or upstream subcarrier j
(j=(segement-1)*512+i) has the same amount of bits
REFERENCE "ITU-T G.997.1, paragraph # (BITSpsds)
and paragraph # (BITSpsus)"


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 5650.

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Parent OID: xdsl2LineSegmentEntry(1) First sibling OID: xdsl2LineSegmentDirection(1) Previous sibling OID: xdsl2LineSegment(2) Next sibling OID: xdsl2LineSegmentRowStatus(4) Last sibling OID: xdsl2LineSegmentRowStatus(4)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Apr 2020 Bullet Page top