OID repository
OID Repository
Display OID:
Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemmgmt(2) Action itemmib-2(1) Action itemrmon(16) Action itemnlMatrix(15)  

Navigating the OID tree

child OID: Child OID separator nlMatrixSDEntry(1) Child OID separator
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A list of traffic matrix entries that collect statistics for conversations between two network-level addresses. This table is indexed first by the source address and then by the
destination address to make it convenient to collect all
conversations from a particular address.
The probe will populate this table for all network layer
protocols in the protocol directory table whose value of
protocolDirMatrixConfig is equal to supportedOn(3), and
will delete any entries whose protocolDirEntry is deleted or
has a protocolDirMatrixConfig value of supportedOff(2).
The probe will add to this table all pairs of addresses
seen in all packets with no MAC errors and will increment
octet and packet counts in the table for all packets with no
MAC errors.
Further, this table will only contain entries that have a
corresponding entry in the nlMatrixDSTable with the same
source address and destination address."


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 4502.

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Tree display Parent OID: nlMatrix(15) First child OID: nlMatrixSDEntry(1) First sibling OID: hlMatrixControlTable(1) Previous sibling OID: hlMatrixControlTable(1) Next sibling OID: nlMatrixDSTable(3) Last sibling OID: nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityTable(8)
Separation line
OID helper Webmaster Bullet 3 Aug 2022 Bullet Page top