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smfStateDpdMemoryOverflow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS "DPD Records"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of DPD records that had to be flushed to
prevent memory overruns for caching of these records.
The number of records to be flushed upon a buffer
overflow is an implementation specific decision.
There is the potential for a counter discontinuity
in this object if the system SMF process has been
disabled and later enabled. In order to check for
the occurrence of such a discontinuity when monitoring
this counter object, it is recommended that the
smfCfgSmfSysUpTime object also be monitored."
"See Section 6 'SMF Duplicate Packet
Detection' in
RFC 6621 - 'Simplified Multicast Forwarding',
Macker, J., Ed., May 2012."


Automatically extracted from IETF RFC 7367.

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Parent OID: smfStateGroup(3) First sibling OID: smfStateNodeRsStatusIncluded(1) Previous sibling OID: smfStateNodeRsStatusIncluded(1) Next sibling OID: smfStateNeighborTable(3) Last sibling OID: smfStateNeighborTable(3)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Jan 2020 Bullet Page top