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Action itemiso(1) Action itemidentified-organization(3) Action itemdod(6) Action iteminternet(1) Action itemexperimental(3) Action itemintSrv(72) Action itemintSrvGuaranteed(4) Action itemintSrvGuaranteedObjects(1) Action itemintSrvGuaranteedIfTable(1) Action itemintSrvGuaranteedIfEntry(1)  

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intSrvGuaranteedIfD OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS "microseconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The parameter D at each service element should
be set to the maximum packet transfer delay
(independent of bucket size) through the ser-
vice element. For instance, in a simple
router, one might compute the worst case amount
of time it make take for a datagram to get
through the input interface to the processor,
and how long it would take to get from the pro-
cessor to the outbound interface (assuming the
queueing schemes work correctly). For an Eth-
ernet, it might represent the worst case delay
if the maximum number of collisions is experi-
The error term D is measured in units of one
microsecond. An individual element can adver-
tise a delay value between 1 and 2**28 (some-
what over two minutes) and the total delay ad-
ded all elements can range as high as (2**32)-
1. Should the sum of the different elements
delay exceed (2**32)-1, the end-to-end delay
should be (2**32)-1."

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Parent OID: intSrvGuaranteedIfEntry(1) First sibling OID: intSrvGuaranteedIfC(1) Previous sibling OID: intSrvGuaranteedIfC(1) Next sibling OID: intSrvGuaranteedIfSlack(3) Last sibling OID: intSrvGuaranteedIfStatus(4)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 13 Mar 2019 Bullet Page top