OID repository
OID Repository
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  Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree itu-t(0) | ccitt(0) | itu-r(0)   -- International Telecommunication...
  Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree iso(1)   -- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree standard(0)   -- ISO or IEC International Standards (not jointly...
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree registration-authority(1)   -- Registration authorities
  | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree member-body(2)   -- ISO Member Bodies
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree au(36)   -- Australia
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree 1   -- Australian Government
  | | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nsw-government(1)   -- New South Wales (NSW) government
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree department-of-education-and-communities(1)   -- New South...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree victoria-government(2)   -- Victorian government
  | | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree queensland-government(3)   -- Queensland Government
  | | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree executive-branch(1)   -- Executive branch of the...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree sa-government(4)   -- South Australian Government
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree wa-government(5)   -- West Australian government
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree tas-government(6)   -- Tasmanian government
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree act-government(7)   -- Australian Capital Territory (ACT)...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree nt-government(8)   -- Northern Territory (NT) government
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree dibp(86)   -- Department of Immigration and Border...
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gatekeeper(333)   -- Gatekeeper accredited certification...
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree department-of-defence(334)   -- Australian Department of...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree accc(400)   -- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree vanguard(1001)   -- VANguard Program
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nehta(2001)   -- National E-Health Transition Authority...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree abr(3001)   -- Australian Business Register
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree rba(4001)   -- Reserve Bank of Australia
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree dhs(5001)   -- Department of Human Services (DHS)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 6001   -- Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation
  | | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree aihw(7001)   -- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ato(8001)   -- The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Public...
  | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree wofgAUSid(9001)   -- AUSid, a Whole of Government...
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree vicGov(3)   -- Victorian Government
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 1   -- Victorian Government Directory - On Line (VGD-OL)
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree digitalArchives(2)   -- Digital Archives Project of the...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree rosetta(3)   -- Rosetta Identity Management Project
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree cfa(4)   -- Country Fire Authority
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree vicGOLD(5)   -- Public facing directory to provide...
  | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree vicPolice(6)   -- Victorian State Police
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 4   -- Government of the State of Queensland
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 5357522   -- Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Banking Group Ltd
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree signet(68980861)   -- Signet Systems
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree rubik-financial-limited(71707232)   -- Temenos Australia...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree acn(73665175)   -- Australian Company Number (ACN)
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree eyecon(78735538)   -- Eyecon Pty Ltd
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree adacel(79672281)   -- Adacel Technologies Ltd.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 80751720   -- Adaptive International
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 84092795   -- Spyrus Pty Limited
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 87684384   -- F'Arty Crafts
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree digicert-australia(88021603) | eSign(88021603)   -- DigiCert...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree castelain(102395559)   -- Castelain Pty Ltd.
  | | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree best-practice(104808988)   -- Best Practice ((Australian...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree best-practice-drug(1)   -- BPDrug (coded table of drug...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree best-practice-term(2)   -- BPTerm (coded table of clinical...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree best-practice-immunisation(3)   -- Coded table of vaccines...
  | | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree best-practice-substance(4)   -- BPSubstance
  | | | | -Leaf of the OID tree best-practice-reaction(5)   -- BPReaction
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ibteducation(109613309)   -- "IBT Education"
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree hie(129710685)   -- Health Industry Exchange Limited
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree nbnco(136533741)   -- National Broadband Network (NBN) Public...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree redcore(146353504)   -- Redcore Pty Ltd
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree pandectum(150888485)   -- Pandectum Pty Ltd.
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 825753556   -- Partial Tax Office Australian Business Number...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree dept-industry-tourism-resources(835430479) | ditr(835430479)   -- ...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree centaursoftware(18057620390)   -- Centaur Software
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree cogito-group(20151795998)   -- Cogito Group Pty Ltd
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree asd(22323254583)   -- Australian Signals Directorate
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree central-data-networks(33065604622)   -- Central Data Networks...
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree placard(46074646343)   -- Placard Manufacturing
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree jared-quinn(47558456798)   -- Jared Quinn & Associates
  | | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 92109179759   -- "WPM4L" Pty. Ltd.
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree taylornet(93974397206)   -- TaylorNet
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree at(40)   -- Austria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree be(56)   -- Belgium
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ca(124)   -- Canada
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cn(156)   -- People's Republic of China
  | | | Unfolding the subtreePartial tree display  (385 OIDs)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree cz(203)   -- Czech Republic
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree dk(208)   -- Denmark
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fi(246)   -- Finland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree fr(250)   -- France
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree de(276)   -- Germany
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree 280   -- Germany (in German, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gr(300)   -- Greece
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree hk(344)   -- Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ie(372)   -- Ireland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree jp(392)   -- Japan
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree kz(398)   -- Kazakhstan
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree kr(410)   -- Korea (the Republic of)
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree md(498)   -- Moldova (Republic of)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ma(504)   -- Morocco
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree nl(528)   -- Netherlands (the)
  | | |-Leaf of the OID tree ng(566)   -- Nigeria
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree no(578)   -- Norway
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree pl(616)   -- Poland
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ru(643)   -- Russian Federation
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree sg(702)   -- Singapore
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree se(752)   -- Sweden
  | | Folding the subtreeNode of the OID tree ua(804)   -- Ukraine
  | | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree root(2)   -- Cryptographic algorithms which are state standards
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree gb(826)   -- United Kingdom
  | | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree us(840)   -- United States of America
  | Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree identified-organization(3)   -- Organization identification...
  Unfolding the subtreeNode of the OID tree joint-iso-itu-t(2) | joint-iso-ccitt(2)   -- Areas of joint work...
Separation line
To unfold (respectively, fold) a particular level of the tree, click on an icon like Unfolding the subtree (resp., Folding the subtree).
The beginning of each OID description is displayed on the left of each arc. For a display without descriptions, please click on Undetailed tree display.
The display is truncated for tree levels that contain more than 40 OIDs. For a full display, please click on one of the Partial tree display  icons to expand the tree (except if there are more than 300 child OIDs).
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