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swDevInfoFrontPanelLedStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object is a set of system LED indications. The first two octets is defined as system LED. The first LED is power LED. The second LED is console LED. The third LED is RPS (Redundancy Power Supply) LED. The other octets following the second octets are the logical port LED (following dot1dBasePort ordering). Every two bytes are presented to a port. The first byte is presentd to the Link/Activity LED. The second byte is presented to the Speed LED.
Link/Activity LED : The most significant bit is used for blink/solid: 8 = The LED blinks.
The second significant bit is used for link status: 1 = link fail.
2 = link pass.
Speed LED : 01 = 10Mbps.
02 = 100Mbps.
03 = 1000Mbps.
04 = 10Gbps.
The four remaining bits are currently unused and must be 0."

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Tree display Parent OID: swL2DevInfo(1) First sibling OID: swDevInfoTotalNumOfPort(1) Previous sibling OID: swDevInfoFirmwareVersion(5)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 21 Oct 2021 Bullet Page top