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osFailureCaptureSaveStart OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {execute(1), execute-nowait(2)}
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"Start saving the configuration file to the specified target file
and system. The file will exist if the OS Hang or OS Loader
watchdog is enabled and been tripped.
Using execute will cause the SNMP client to wait for the save
operation to complete.
Using execute-nowait will not cause the SNMP client to wait for
the save to complete. Instead it will save the configuration in
the background.
Note 1: Both osFailureCaptureTftpServer and
osFailureCaptureFileName must be set.
Note 2: Depending on the target, it might take up to several
seconds for the save operation to complete.
Note 3: Use osFailureCaptureStatus to confirm the status of
the last operation.
NOTE: Value returned for the GET command is meaningless
for this MIB object."

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Parent OID: osFailureCapture(9) First sibling OID: osFailureCaptureTftpServer(1) Previous sibling OID: osFailureCaptureFileName(2) Next sibling OID: osFailureCaptureSaveStatus(4) Last sibling OID: osFailureCaptureSaveStatus(4)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 2 Dec 2021 Bullet Page top