licenseKeyDescStringInformation OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information about the system file - This string must follow the format below:
Description: %s\n, Date-Time: %s\n, License-ID: %s\n, Other-Info: %s\n\0
Description: Description of the license key feature, for example NetCorp 12
Port License Key Upgrade for Fibre Switch.
Date-Time: The date and time of the license key was installed in this format:
mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss. The hour is from 0-23. The time is based on GMT.
License-ID: License ID, for example 222345K.
Other-Info: Any additional information that the IOM wishes to provide about the
String example 1:File Description: NetCorp 12 Port License Key Upgrade for Fibre Switch, Date-Time: 09/26/2008 14:35:21,
License-ID: 222345K, Other Info: Test information.
The format of the License Key Information is very important and must be strictly
followed. It is intended for other applications to parse and make use of the
information. The string is made up of many parts of text information. Each part
has the format of the form Token: information_string\n,. Each part consists of a
token followed by token information. The end of each part is marked by a new
line character, and a comma or a null character.
The total length of the string cannot exceed 256 octets."