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atiVlanEncapsIfStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"The row status for this VLAN encapsulation interface.
This OBJECT can be set to:
The following values may be read:
In order for a row to become active, the NMS must set atiVlanEncapsIfTagType and atiVlanEncapsIfTag to some valid and consistent values.
Setting this object to createAndGo(4) causes the agent to attempt to create and commit the row based on the contents of the objects in the row. If all necessary information is present in the row, the agent will create the row and change the status to active(1). If any of the necessary objects are not available, or specify an invalid configuration, the row will not be created and the agent will return an appropriate error.
Setting this object to createAndWait(5) causes a row in in this table to be created. If all necessary objects in the row have been assigned values and specify a valid configuration, the status of the row will be set to notInService(2); otherwise, the status will be set to notReady(3).
This object may only be set to createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5) if it does not exist.
Setting this object to active(1) when the status is notInService(2) causes the agent to commit the row. Setting this object to active(1) when its value is already active(1) is a no-op.
Setting this object to destroy(6) will remove the corresponding VLAN encapsulation interface, remove the entry in this table, and remove the corresponding entry in the ifTable.
In order for a set of this object to destroy(6) to succeed, all dependencies on this row must have been removed. These will include any references to this interface in the ifStackTable."

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Tree display Parent OID: atiVlanEncapsIfEntry(1) First sibling OID: atiVlanEncapsIfIndex(1) Previous sibling OID: atiVlanEncapsIfTag(3)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 6 May 2024 Bullet Page top