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aviatTextConventionModule MODULE-IDENTITY
LAST-UPDATED "201703282339Z"
ORGANIZATION "Aviat Networks"
CONTACT-INFO "Aviat Networks
Customer Service
Postal: 5200 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara
California 95054
United States of America
Tel: 408 567 7000
E-mail: mibsupport@aviatnet.com"
"This module defines the textual conventions used throughout
the DMC Aviat Enterprise MIB. The definitions in this module
are for general purpose use. Textual conventions that are for
specific MIB functionality are defined in the respective MIB
REVISION "201703282339Z"
"Added modulation2048qam and modulation4096qam modulations
for WTM4000."
REVISION "201507290845Z"
"Added RFU side band type textual convention."
REVISION "201501050910Z"
"Added monitoredHotStandby protection type textual convention."
REVISION "201408262329Z"
"Added the textual convention AviatL1LinkAggregationType to
discern whether a layer 1 link aggregation group uses the
Aviat L1LA mode or PLA mode."
REVISION "201401210157Z"
"Initial Version."

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Parent OID: aviatModules(9) Next sibling OID: aviatModemModule(3) Last sibling OID: aviatAmModules(1003)
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