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hh3cIpAddrChangeNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
"This notification will be generated when the IP address of active
management interface is changed. The change maybe originate from NMS,
DHCP server or administrator.
The management interfaces are the interfaces that assigned by
administrator, which can be used to manage device, but may be inactive
for link fault or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) missing.
The active management interface means an active interface, the IP
address of which can be used for network management.
This notification announces useful management IP address change. So it
is triggered by significative IP address change.
Suppose that two management interfaces on a device, Interface-A and
Interface-B. Initially both interfaces are down and assigned no IP
address. Configure Interface-A as the primary monitored interface,
Interface-B as the secondary.
Significative IP address change in following cases:
1. If Interface-A is assigned an IP address primarily, and it is linking
up, then Interface-B will be ignored. A notification will be triggered,
appending IP address of Interface-A.
2. If Interface-B is assigned an IP address primarily, and it is linking
up, then Interface-A will be ignored. A notification will be triggered,
appending IP address of Interface-B.
3. If IP address of that interface, which had its IP address announced
to NMS, is changed since last notification triggered, then another
notification will be sent to NMS.
4. Suppore that Interface-A was linked up and assigned an IP address
primarily. If for some unknown reason, Interface-A is down or loses IP
address, and Interface-B is assigned an IP address which is different
with that announced to NMS before, then a notification will be
triggered, appending the new IP address that Interface-B assigned.
5. A notification appending new IP address that Interface-A assigned
will be triggered, if 4 occurs to Interface-B."

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Parent OID: hh3cNMNotifyObjectsPrefix(0)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 30 Nov 2020 Bullet Page top