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portCtrlSpeedAndDuplex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {autoNegotiation(1), tenMbpsHalfDuplex(2), tenMbpsFullDuplex(3), hundredMbpsHalfDuplex(4), hundredMbpsFullDuplex(5), thousandMbpsFullDuplex(6)}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Speed and duplex configuraion.
Different speed and duplex modes are available. There are speeds:
1000 megabits per second (Gigabit Ethernet), 100 megabits per
second (Fast Ethernet), and 10 megabits per second (Legacy
Full-duplex allows packets to be transmitted in both directions
at the same time, while half-duplex allows a device to either
transmit or receive, but not both at the same time. Full-duplex
may have double bandwidth than half-duplex.
You can configure manually from the possible options, listed from
best to worst:
1Gb full-duplex(6)
100Mb full-duplex(5)
100Mb half-duplex(4)
10Mb full-duplex(3)
10Mb half-duplex(2)
Set to autoNegotiation(1) to allow the two interfaces on the link
to exchange the capabilities and characteristics of the each side,
and select the best operating mode automatically when a cable is
plugged in."

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Parent OID: portCtrlEntry(1) First sibling OID: portCtrlIndex(1) Previous sibling OID: portCtrlPortStatus(3) Next sibling OID: portCtrlFlowControl(5) Last sibling OID: portCtrlPortDescription(6)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 21 Jan 2022 Bullet Page top