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Curve25519-OpenPGP algorithm


According to Peter Gutmann, "Back in 2012 the folks working on the Crypto++ library needed an OID for Ed25519 (not Curve25519) in order to use it before it is standardized. I took a random value in some space I knew it would be safe from being reassigned. Around 2016, standard OIDs for that entire algorithm family were created and eventually published as IETF RFC 8410 (see OID {iso(1) identified-organization(3) thawte(101) id-X25519(110)}), which Crypto++ adopted in 2016 in version 5.6.4 (it is not clear if they ever used the made-up value in an official release as none of the versions archived have it)."

According to Add OIDs for OpenPGP Curve25519, this OID is not used outside of OpenPGP.

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