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[other identifier: bsodPwModuleFullCompliance]

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teaPwModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
"The compliance statement for agents that provide read-only support for PW MIB Module. Such devices can then be monitored but cannot be configured using this MIB module."
MODULE -- this module
GROUP teaPwNotificationGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for those implementations which can efficiently implement the notifications contained in this group."
GROUP teaPwPwIdGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support the PW ID FEC."
GROUP teaPwGeneralizedFecGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support the generalized PW FEC."
GROUP teaPwFcsGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support FCS retention."
GROUP teaPwFragGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW fragmentation."
GROUP teaPwPwStatusGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW status notification."
GROUP teaPwGetNextGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations where the teaPwIndex may be any arbitrary value and the EMS would require retrieval of the next
free index."
GROUP teaPwPriorityGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support controlling the PW setup priority and the PW holding priority."
GROUP teaPwAttachmentGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support attachment of two PWs (PW stitching)."
GROUP teaPwPeformance1DayIntervalGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW performance gathering in 1-day intervals."
GROUP teaPwPerformanceIntervalGeneralGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW performance gathering in 15-minute intervals."
GROUP teaPwPeformanceIntervalGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW performance gathering in 15-minute intervals."
GROUP teaPwHCPeformanceIntervalGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations where at least one of the interval performance counters wraps around too quickly based on the
criteria specified in RFC 2863 for high-capacity counters."
GROUP teaPwMappingTablesGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support reverse mapping of PW indexes to the teaPwIndex and the peer mapping table."
GROUP teaPwNotificationControlGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support the PW notifications."
OBJECT teaPwType
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwOwner
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwPsnType
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwSetUpPriority
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwHoldingPriority
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwPeerAddrType
SYNTAX InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. Only unknown(0) and ipv4(1) is required."
OBJECT teaPwPeerAddr
SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4))
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required to support 0, 4 address sizes."
OBJECT teaPwAttachedPwIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwIfIndex
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwLocalGroupID
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwGroupAttachmentID
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwLocalAttachmentID
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwPeerAttachmentID
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwCwPreference
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwLocalIfMtu
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwLocalIfString
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwLocalCapabAdvert
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwFragmentCfgSize
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwFcsRetentioncfg
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwOutboundLabel
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwInboundLabel
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwName
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwDescr
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required. The support of value testing(3) is not required."
OBJECT teaPwOperStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), notPresent(6),
lowerLayerDown(7) }
DESCRIPTION "The support of the values testing(3), unknown(4), and is not required."
OBJECT teaPwRowStatus
SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwStorageType
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwUpDownNotifEnable
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwDeletedNotifEnable
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."
OBJECT teaPwNotifRate
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required."


bsodPwModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
"The compliance statement for the PW MIB module that supports TDM Emulation according to the Business Service over Docsis (BSoD) specification published by CableLabs."
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS {bsodPwBasicGroup, teaPwPerformanceGeneralGroup, teaPwPeformanceIntervalGroup}
GROUP teaPwNotificationGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for those
implementations which can efficiently implement the notifications contained in this group."
GROUP teaPwPwIdGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support the PW ID FEC."
GROUP teaPwGeneralizedFecGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support the generalized PW FEC."
GROUP teaPwFcsGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support FCS retention."
GROUP teaPwFragGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW fragmentation."
GROUP teaPwPwStatusGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW status notification."
GROUP teaPwGetNextGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations where the teaPwIndex may be any arbitrary value and the EMS would require retrieval of the next free index."
GROUP teaPwPriorityGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support controlling the PW setup priority and the PW holding priority."
GROUP teaPwAttachmentGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support attachment of two PWs (PW stitching)."
GROUP teaPwPeformance1DayIntervalGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW performance gathering in 1-day intervals."
GROUP teaPwPerformanceIntervalGeneralGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW performance gathering in 15-minute intervals."
GROUP teaPwPeformanceIntervalGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support PW performance gathering in 15-minute intervals."
GROUP teaPwHCPeformanceIntervalGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations where at least one of the interval performance counters wraps around too quickly based on the criteria specified in RFC 2863 for high-capacity counters."
GROUP teaPwMappingTablesGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support reverse mapping of PW indexes to the teaPwIndex and the peer mapping table."
GROUP teaPwNotificationControlGroup
DESCRIPTION "This group is only mandatory for implementations that support the PW notifications."
OBJECT teaPwAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
DESCRIPTION "The support of the value testing(3) is not required."
OBJECT teaPwOperStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER {up(1), down(2), notPresent(6), lowerLayerDown(7)}
DESCRIPTION "The support of the values testing(3), unknown(4), and dormant(5) is not required."
OBJECT teaPwRowStatus
SYNTAX RowStatus {active(1), notInService(2), notReady(3)}
WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus {active(1), notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6)}
DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait is not required. Support of notReady is not required for implementations that do not support signaling, or if it is guaranteed that the conceptual row has all the required information to create the PW when the row has been created by the agent."
OBJECT teaPwPeerAddrType
SYNTAX InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1) }
DESCRIPTION "Only unknown(0) and ipv4(1) is required."
OBJECT teaPwPeerAddr
SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4))
DESCRIPTION "An implementation is only required to support 0, 4 address sizes."


Automatically extracted from ASN.1 module CL-PW-MIB.

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