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docsLeakDetTestChannelStatusCurrCycleTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
UNITS "Milliseconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This attribute communicates the current time that a single cycle takes to
complete. This calculation takes into account the configured test parameters
(TransmitBurstGap, TransmitDuration, and TransmitCycleGap), the channel
configuration (OFDMA Frame Duration in milliseconds) and the NumBurstPositions
currently being used for the test. When the CmMacAddressList is explicitly configured,
this value is static for the duration of the test. In the case where the CCAP determines
and manages the list, this value can vary based on the number of modems that have been
configured and is updated each time modems are added to or deleted from the list.
The calculation in milliseconds is defined as
CurrCycleTime = [<TransmitDuration> x NumBurstPositions +
<TransmitBurstGap> x (NumBurstPositions-1) +
TransmitCycleGap] x OFDMA Frame Duration in milliseconds.
Note that TransmitDuration, TransmitBurstGap, and TransmitCycleGap are defined in terms of
OFDMA frames, To get a value in terms of milliseconds, it is necessary to multiply the
number of OFDMA frames by the OFDMA frame duration in milliseconds.
The value of N is either the value of NumModems when the list of modems is configured,
or the number of modems that the CMTS has added to NumModemsActive when the CMTS manages
the list of modems."
"Information Model Mapping: CM-SP-CCAP-OSSI

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Parent OID: docsLeakDetTestChannelStatusEntry(1) First sibling OID: docsLeakDetTestChannelStatusInterfaceName(1) Previous sibling OID: docsLeakDetTestChannelStatusBurstIuc(8) Next sibling OID: docsLeakDetTestChannelStatusNumBurstPositions(10) Last sibling OID: docsLeakDetTestChannelStatusNumBurstPositions(10)
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