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pktcMtaDevProvisioningTimer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..30)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object defines the time interval for the
provisioning flow to complete. The MTA MUST finish
all provisioning operations starting from the moment when
an MTA receives its DHCP ACK and ending at the moment when
the MTA downloads its configuration file (e.g., MTA5 to
MTA23 for Secure Flow) within the period of time set by
this object. Failure to comply with this condition
constitutes the provisioning flow failure. If the
object is set to 0, the MTA MUST ignore the provisioning
timer condition."
"PacketCable MTA Device Provisioning Specification."


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T J.166.

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Parent OID: pktcMtaDevBase(1) First sibling OID: pktcMtaDevResetNow(1) Previous sibling OID: pktcMtaDevHttpAccess(10) Next sibling OID: pktcMtaDevProvisioningCounter(12) Last sibling OID: pktcMtaDevSwCurrentVers(14)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 22 Feb 2023 Bullet Page top