OID repository
OID Repository
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child OID: Child OID separator pktcDevEvSyslog(0) Child OID separator
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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
(dot notation)
(OID-IRI notation)


pktcDevEvSyslogAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This MIB Object contains the IP address of the
Syslog server. If this is set to either or the device MUST inhibit syslog
The use of FQDNs is syntactically allowed, but
discouraged since a failure to resolve them in a
timely manner may leave the device without access to
the Syslog daemon during critical network events.
The type of address this object represents is defined
by the MIB Object pktDevEvSyslogAddressType.
If an SNMP SET results in a type that does not match
that indicated by the MIB Object
pktcDevEvSyslogAddressType, the PacketCable device MUST
reject the SNMP SET with an 'inconsistent value'


Automatically extracted from Rec. ITU-T J.166 (note: Recs ITU-T J.168, J.169 and J.176 were withdrawn in 2006 after their content were updated and incorporated in Rec. ITU-T J.166 (2015)).

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Tree display Parent OID: pktcDevEventControl(1) First child OID: pktcDevEvSyslog(0) First sibling OID: pktcDevEvControl(1) Previous sibling OID: pktcDevEvSyslogAddressType(2) Next sibling OID: pktcDevEvSyslogUdpPort(4) Last sibling OID: pktcDevEvSyslogUdpPort(5)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 3 Sep 2020 Bullet Page top