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OID Repository
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SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This attribute represents the maximum number of PPs that
can reach the state Idle_Unlocked simultaneously. The FP
ages out PPs as soon as the PP leaves the Idle_Unlocked
state to either Active_unlocked or unknown, allowing
another PP to attempt synchronization with the FP.
By Default this attribute reports the MaxNumPP
attribute value."
"ETSI EN 300 175-3, Digital Enhanced Cordless
Telecommunications (DECT);Common Interface (CI); Part 3:
Medium Access Control (MAC) layer"

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Parent OID: pktcDectFP(1) First sibling OID: pktcDectFPMaxNumPP(1) Previous sibling OID: pktcDectFPMaxNumPP(1) Next sibling OID: pktcDectFPLockListCfg(3) Last sibling OID: pktcDectFPExtendedCapabilities(9)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 5 Oct 2023 Bullet Page top