cabhCdpLanAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table is a list of LAN-Trans realm parameters.
This table has one row entry for each allocated
LAN-Trans IP address. Each row must have at least a
valid cabhCdpLanAddrMethod, a cabhCdpLanAddrIpType, a
unique cabhCdpLanAddrIp, and a unique
cabhCdpLanAddrClientId value.
Static/Manual address assignment: To create a new DHCP
address reservation, the NMS creates a row with: an
index comprised of a new cabhCdpLanAddrIp and its
cabhCdpLanAddrIpType, a new unique
cabhCdpLanAddrClientID, (an empty LeaseCreateTime and
empty LeaseExpireTime,) and a
cabhCdpLanDataAddrRowStatus of createAndGo(4). If the
syntax and values of the new row - indicating a
reservation - are valid, the PS must set
cabhCdpLanAddrMethod to reservationInactive(1) and
cabhCdpLanDataAddrRowStatus to active(1). When the PS
grants a lease for a reserved IP, it must set the
cabhCdpLanAddrMethod object for that row to
reservationActive(2). When a lease for a reserved IP
expires, the PS must set the corresponding row's
cabhCdpLanAddrMethod object to reservationInactive(1).
For row entries that represent lease reservations - rows
in which the cabhCdpLanAddrMethod object has a value of
either reservationInactive(1) or reservationActive(2) -
the cabhCdpLanAddrIpType, cabhCdpLanAddrIp,
cabhCdpLanAddrClientID, cabhCdpLanAddrMethod, and
cabhCdpLanAddrHostName object values must persist across
PS reboots.
Dynamic address assignment: When the PS grants a lease
for a non-reserved IP, it must set the
cabhCdpLanAddrMethod object for that row to
dynamicActive(4). When a lease for a non-reserved IP
expires, the PS must set the corresponding row's
cabhCdpLanAddrMethod object to dynamicInactive(3). The
PS must create new row entries using cabhCdpLanAddrIp
values that are unique to this table. If all
cabhCdpLanAddrIp values in the range defined by
cabhCdpLanPoolStart and cabhCdpLanPoolEnd are in use in
this table, the PS may overwrite the
cabhCdpLanAddrClientId of a row that has a
cabhCdpLanAddrMethod object with a value of
dynamicInactive(3) with a new cabhCdpLanAddrClientId
value and use that cabhCdpLanAddrIp as part of a new
lease. For row entries that represent active leases -
rows in which the cabhCdpLanAddrMethod object has a
value of dynamicActive(4) - the cabhCdpLanAddrIpType,
cabhCdpLanAddrIp, cabhCdpLanAddrClientID,
cabhCdpLanAddrMethod, and cabhCdpLanAddrHostName object
values must persist across PS reboots."