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coOptCtdIfEnetStatusOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {up(1), -- ready to pass packets
down(2), testing(3), -- in some test mode
unknown(4), -- status can not be determined
-- for some reason.
dormant(5), notPresent(6), -- some component is missing
lowerLayerDown(7) -- down due to state of
-- lower-layer interface(s)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This attribute reports the current operational
state of the interface. The testing(3) state
indicates that no operational packets can be passed.
If AdminStatus is down(2), then OperStatus should be
down(2). If AdminStatus is changed to up(1), then
OperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface
is ready to transmit and receive network traffic;
it should change to dormant(5) if the interface is
waiting for external actions (such as a serial line
waiting for an incoming connection); it should remain
in the down(2) state if and only if there is a fault
that prevents it from going to the up(1) state; it
should remain in the notPresent(6) state if the
interface has missing (typically, hardware) components."

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Parent OID: coOptCtdIfEnetStatusEntry(1) First sibling OID: coOptCtdIfEnetStatusName(1) Previous sibling OID: coOptCtdIfEnetStatusPhysAddress(5) Next sibling OID: coOptCtdIfEnetStatusLastChange(7) Last sibling OID: coOptCtdIfEnetStatusConnectorPresent(9)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 9 Jan 2023 Bullet Page top