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s3AgentDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
"The Agent's administrative default gateway IP
address. The current operational default gateway's
IP address can be obtained from the ipRoutingTable.
This parameter will take effect only after a
restart (s3AgentRestart) is issued. This parameter
will not survive a reset (s3AgentReset) unless it
is written into EEPROM (s3AgentWriteEeprom). This
parameter is used only if the agentBootMode is set
to use EEPROM."

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All rights reserved, Orange © 2024
Parent OID: s3AgentIpProtocol(1) First sibling OID: s3AgentIpAddr(1) Previous sibling OID: s3AgentNetMask(2) Next sibling OID: s3AgentBootServerAddr(4) Last sibling OID: s3AgentBootRouter(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 14 Dec 2017 Bullet Page top