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OID: (ASN.1 notation)
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hmtsRegistrationFailedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
OBJECTS {hmtsDevComStat}
STATUS current
"The SNMP notification that is generated when registration of a device
failed. There is only one mandatory varbind: hmtsDevComStat, e.g.
(OID hmtsDevComStat., value ASN-INTEGER invIP).
Since the hmtsDevTable index must be included in the OID, the physical
address of a device is automatically included in the notification.
In the above example, the physical address is 10-23-45-67-89-ab.
Note: SMI rules forbid to include hmtsDevPhysAddr, since this column
is not-accessible.
The following varbinds must also be included if these apply:
- For IP-based HTMS's, the IP-address hmtsDevIPAddr.
- For community-string based HMTS's, the community string

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All rights reserved © 2007-2024
Parent OID: hmtsNotifications(0)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 20 Apr 2023 Bullet Page top