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alxTlsIgmpSnpgConfigV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS {tlsIgmpSnpgCfgAdminState, tlsIgmpSnpgCfgGenQueryIntvl, tlsIgmpSnpgCfgRobustCount, tlsIgmpSnpgCfgReportSrcAddress}
STATUS obsolete
"The group of objects supporting management of IGMP
snooping on Tls level on Nokia 7x50 SR series

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Parent OID: alxIgmpSnoopingTlsGroups(2) Next sibling OID: alxTlsIgmpSnpgQuerierV3v0Group(2) Last sibling OID: alxTlsIgmpSnpgNotifyObjsV15v0Grp(13)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 10 Mar 2023 Bullet Page top