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cgprsCgGatewaySwitchoverNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS deprecated
"A notification of this type is generated when the
charging gateway is switched, the new charging
gateway is identified by cgprsCgActiveChgGatewayAddress
and the old charging gateway is identified by

The switchover will happen according to the value set
in cgprsCgGroupSwitchOverTime and the selection of the
new CG will be according to the value set in
Note: Selection of new CG based on the value set in
cgprsCgSwitchOverPriority is only true for default
charging gateway group, for other charging gateway groups
including default charging gateway group it can be determined
by the value set in cgprsCgGroupSwitchOverPriority.
This notification is deprecated by

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All rights reserved © 2007-2024
Parent OID: ciscoGprsCharNotifs(0) First sibling OID: cgprsCgAlarmNotif(1) Previous sibling OID: cgprsCgAlarmNotif(1) Next sibling OID: cgprsCgInServiceModeNotif(3) Last sibling OID: cgprsCgGatewayGroupMaintenanceModeNotif(8)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 17 Nov 2020 Bullet Page top