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OID description

OID: (ASN.1 notation)
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(OID-IRI notation)


teaPwTDMCurrentIndications OBJECT-TYPE
other ( 0),
strayPacket ( 1),
malformedPacket ( 2),
excessivePktLossRate( 3),
bufferOverrun ( 4),
bufferUnderrun ( 5),
remotePktLoss ( 6),
pktMisOrder ( 7),
packetLoss ( 8),
tdmFault ( 9)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The following defects should be detected and reported
upon request:
-Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing
layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF
and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for detection
of packet loss.
-Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the
expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into
account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN and
multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be
discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data generated
as for lost packets.
-Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the
average packet loss rate over the value of
teaPwTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a
preconfigured threshold [RFC 4553].
-Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state
when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate
newly arrived packets.
-Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets with
their R bit set.
-Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence
number provided by the control word.
-TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it indicates
that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid due an
attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the payload
MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth.
Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications
is implementation-specific."


Automatically extracted from ASN.1 module CL-PW-TDM-MIB.

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Parent OID: teaPwTDMEntry(1) First sibling OID: teaPwTDMRate(1) Previous sibling OID: teaPwTDMValidIntervals(7) Next sibling OID: teaPwTDMLatchedIndications(9) Last sibling OID: teaPwTDMPeerRtpSSRC(12)
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OID helper Webmaster Bullet 29 Jan 2020 Bullet Page top